Oakridge Women’s Institute meets on the second Thursday each month (except August) at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The Institute began in July 1923 and is still going strong; at present we have 14 members, and we are determined to make our Centenary in July 2023! We have a varied programme of speakers and welcome anyone who may wish to join us; individuals may come along to a meeting for a particular subject for just £3.50, to include refreshments.
The membership fee normally covers 11 meetings a year and includes a regular magazine. Changes have since been made by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes concerning the membership subscription and, for the future, this will run from April each year.
In view of the lack of meetings in 2020, each individual W.I. was given the ability to set its own subscription rate for 2021/2022 and again for 2022/2023, taking into account the portions which need to be paid to NFWI and the Gloucestershire Federation of which we belong. The fee for 2023/2024 will be £46.00, of which we retain 50% and we are again able to be flexible with the amount we charge our members.
- On February 9th we are having a crafting evening and a Bring and Buy - On March 9th a speaker - ‘Keeping a Breast of it’ by Alexandra Stanbrook - On April 14th ‘Swinging 60s by Virginia and David Adsett
Contact Us
The Secretary is Anne Brain who can be contacted on 01285 760412
From the Oakridge Archive
1940's ?
Early 50's
WI Fortieth Birthday Party, 1963
Millenium Members, 2000
To find out more, including the names of some in the pictures, go to the archive.